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Instructions: You can turn the variations of the poem on and off at the same time. The button will show as depressed, and the poems will load side by side. The images for the corresponding poem will stack on top of each other if multiple variants are turned on at once.
Poem 7. (J 282: 1861/1929)
How noteless | Men | , | and | Pleiads, stand, |
How noteless | men | , | and |
How noteless | men | and | Pleiads stand |
How noteless | Men | , | and | Pleiads, stand, |
Pleiads stand |
Until a sudden sky |
Until a sudden sky |
Until a sudden sky |
Until a sudden sky |
Reveals the fact that | One | is | rapt |
Reveals the fact that | one | is | wrapt |
Reveals the fact that | one | is | wrapt |
Reveals the fact that | One | is | rapt |
Forever from the | Eye | — |
Forever from the | eye | . |
Forever from the | eye | . |
Forever from the | Eye | — |
Members of the Invisible, |
Members of the Invisible, |
Members of the Invisible, |
Members of the Invisible, |
Existing | , | while we stare | , |
Existing | while we stare |
Existing | while we stare |
Existing | , | while we stare | , |
In | Leagueless | Opportunity | , |
In | leagueless | opportunity |
In | leagueless | opportunity |
In | Leagueless | Opportunity | , |
O'ertakeless | , | as the | Air | — |
O'er-take-less | as the | air | . |
O'er-take-less | as the | air | . |
O'ertakeless | , | as the | Air | — |
Why didn't we | VAR 1: detain ThemVAR 2: retain ThemVAR 3: detain it | ? |
Why didn't we | detain them | ? |
Why didn't we | detain them | ? |
Why didn't we | detain Them | ? |
The Heavens with a smile | , |
The Heavens with a smile |
The Heavens with a smile |
The Heavens with a smile | , |
Sweep by our disappointed | Heads | , |
Sweep by our disappointed |
Sweep by our disappointed | heads | , |
Sweep by our disappointed | Heads |
Heads, |
VAR 1: Without a syllable—VAR 2: But deign no syllable |
But deign no syllable. |
But deign no syllable. |
Without a syllable— |