Emily Dickinson: Fascicle 16

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Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Fascicle 16

Our team originally wanted to only analyze the original variations that Dickinson herself created in the poems of Fascicle 16. However, after much coding of variants and then more coding of the variants that were used when the poems were published in different poem collections, we decided that we not only wanted to study Dickinson's own variations but the variations within the published versions of the poems as well. Much thought and a very complex markup system was put into this analysis, which we documented in our Methodology. After all of this markup, our team noticed that Dickinson used many dashes within the original, handwritten copies of the poems in Fascicle 16. We then decided to analyze whether or not the number of dashes in the published versions of the poems were reduced compared to the dashes used in the original, handwritten versions. Click here to see our SVG graph and analysis of the dashes.

As a new addition to our original analysis of the different versions/publications of Dickinson's poems in Fascicle 16, we decided to include a Network Analysis of how the different variants are shared among the versions of the poems.

You can also see our overall findings here.